Thursday, June 16, 2011

O my how time flies when you are so in love. Olivia will be two months on fathers day. It is hard to imagine my little bath time baby has gone from so teeny tiny...

To such a beautiful little chubby cheeked baby ...

You, my sweet Olivia, are all smiles. You smile at mommy all day long, and when daddy gets home from the field you smile at him too. You are starting to tell big stories full of giggles and coos. You are a healthy 12 lbs and 24 inches long. Mommy has started calling you little bear because you growl when your tummy gets hungry. Daddy just calls you Pretty, a very fitting nickname for you. Every morning before he leaves for work he peaks at you in your crib and kisses your little head. You really are the twinkle in his eye. Your getting so good at holding your head up, and daddy swears you try to roll over every time he holds you. You love your ABC singing elephant, its the only thing about "tummy time" you do like. You also like story time, it's mommy's favorite time of the day. Mommy has been reading you a Bible story everyday. Yesterday we read Abraham and Sarah's story. We read how God gave them such a wonderful gift, baby Issac. You are mommy and daddy's wonderful gift.

Life has changed so much since you have come along. I cant imagine me without you now. I love you, my little Livi...with all my heart.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our First Family Picture ♥

It's been over a month since my last horrible! My excuse....I birthed a child in that month...i think that's a pretty good excuse, and yes I know what they say about excuses!!!

April 19th Olivia Rochelle came into the world, and my life will never be the same. :)

Monday the 18th I went for my weekly OB check-up. I was discouraged to hear I was not dilated one teeny bit. After checking her planner my doctor asked me if I had any plans for the night. At 10 months pregnant, one can be pretty busy you hopping and wild after i cleared my busy busy schedule I told her no plans. Then she asked, "well would you like to have a baby?" :)

As much as I didn't want to be induced at months 1-6, by month 10 I was ecstatic! She told me to eat my "final" meal and be at the hospital by 8. I called Tyler and he didn't believe me. Luckily I convinced him this call, unlike all the prank going into labor phone calls from before, was the real deal! (I guess that's what they mean by the boy who cried wolf) My final meal ended up being Braums since we ran out of time for a steak. Then we went to the hospital...and the rest is history!

The Lord really answered my prayers! The labor and delivery were easy and there were no complications! The nurse had me start pushing just to see where we were. After a push she called the doctor and told her no hurry but she could come after she finishes with her current patient. After two more pushes she called the doctor again and told her she needed to get there NOW! It really was that fast! At 10:10 I was dilated to a nine and by 10:44 Olivia was born! When Tyler saw all the hair on her head he started crying. Then of course I started crying and the nurse started crying. It was amazing. The moment the doctor laid Livi on my belly is something I will never forget. The feeling of being so in love with something the moment you lay eyes on it is unlike anything I have ever experienced!

She is absolutely amazing! She weighed 7 lbs and 14 oz. and was 22.5 in. long.
I know everyone says their babies are amazing, but I am convinced my baby is the most amazing baby in the whole entire history of babies! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 38

Oh! How time flies. I cannot believe that in a matter of days (hopefully days) I will be meeting my little Livi! My doctor keeps telling me, "any day!" I sure hope that day arrives soon! This week I am working on finishing Olivia's bedding. I have been a little nervous about traveling so I did all the sewing on my own. Thankfully my Meme has been helping me as much as she can over the phone! I am so glad she taught me to sew all those years ago! Yesterday I put together the stroller and installed her car seat in the jeep. I am trying to keep myself busy so I don't get too impatient. I could do laundry, I guess... but that's no fun at all!!! Today Tyler and I made a trip to get car insurance...exciting I know...on the way home Olivia was just having a hay day in there. Tyler felt her little foot against my belly and tickled it. The cheesy smile that spread across his face was priceless. I can't wait for him to meet her. He is going to be such a great daddy! At the doctor yesterday, an ultrasound confirmed that she is head down....way down. The constant pressure on my bladder and pelvic bone pretty much confirmed that for me a while back, but we had to be sure. My doctor also said if I have not had her by Monday she will strip my membrane...eek!!!, and that this will hopefully send me into labor! Mom assured me that it is not as painful as it sounds...just a little uncomfortable. Tyler made a horrible grimacing face when I shared this news with him. Then with a terrified look on his face he slowly asked....."So it's gonna hurt?" Other than that, not too much excitement...and that's OK, I suppose. Just waiting :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Posts in One Week!!!!

I am pretty proud of myself...second post this week, both with pictures!!! Woot Woot!

On Monday my mother-in-law and I went to the Just Between Friends Consignment sale! In case you don't know what that is...It is a HUGE consignment sale that takes place in cities across the nation. The best part- its just for kids stuff. Anything you could ever need or imagine you would need can be found at one of these sales! Its so great! We got to the sale about 30 minutes early and waited in line with all the other mommies! Then when they finally opened the doors it was like searching for the Golden Egg on Easter. We rushed through to find the big things we needed then went back for the little things! It was so much fun and I saved probably $200! I cant wait to do it again in August!
I got this changing pad for $4 and two matching covers for $8.
I can't wait to put these jeans on Olivia...they are sooo stinkin' cute and only a few bucks (i think it makes them even cuter!)

The little one I got for Livi to wear on Easter. The bigger one...well i am not sure what its for yet but it was too cute (and cheap) to pass up!

Brand new exersaucer-$15...That's a total savings of $45!!! Another lady walked up and started talking about this one while I was looking at soon as she said, "its a good one" I snatched it. I am pretty sure my mother would be proud! :)
This is just some of the other stuff I came home with. A diaper bag, a new boppy pillow ($12), bottles, a nursing cover, a baby sling, a car seat neck support, a $4 bottle warmer, and a humidifier!!!

Tyler was proud of me...heck, I was pretty proud of me too!!

Today I went to the doctor. It was my first weekly appointment so that meant lots of fun....not. Everything is moving right along. I am not dilated yet, but she said my cervix is very soft so it could be soon :) She also said right now she thinks Livi is about 6 1/2 - 7 lbs. and that if she stays in full term she thinks she will be about 8 lbs. I was happy to hear this. Healthy but not huge...mommies everywhere can appreciate that! I was secretly hoping I would go to the doctor today and she would say, "O my your ready to have the baby tonight!" That would have been wonderful but I guess until then I will have to keep concentrating on not wetting myself every time I sneeze, laugh, or stand up! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Waiting on Livi ♥

These little slippers came in the mail for Olivia today! I can't wait to put them on her the day we come home from the hospital.
I have been such a bad blogger lately...and a lot has happened to
blog about! My parents came to visit last weekend. It was absolutely wonderful, and now that they are gone I miss them terribly! They came for Livi's baby shower which was also super great! I have some awesome women in my life, and I feel incredibly blessed! Olivia got some really great things and now we are closer to being as prepared as possible for her arrival .
This week was also Spring Break! That meant no school or work for me, and no school for my little sister Taylor who spent the week with me! It was great having her around and hard to let her go back home. When presented with the idea, she was totally fine with living in my basement instead of returning to school. Spring break also meant spending time with Tyler at the farm.....which I super love! We fed baby calves (with bottles!!!) and all kinds of other farm-y things! :) It was so much fun!
I am not completely sure but I think Olivia may have dropped this week. If I am not sitting down it feels like I am trying to hold a bowling ball in between my legs. My back is being a little stubborn and my belly feels like its really saggy...I know such a beautiful description...but really that's how it feels!!!! Maybe all this un-comfort means my baby girl's arrival is getting closer!! I sure hope so! I go to the doctor on Tuesday, maybe she will have some clues.
Tomorrow my mother-in-law and I are going to the Just Between Friends Consignment sale! This will be my first JBF experience but I have heard nothing but great things! I have a plan, my list, and my laundry basket all ready for our adventure tomorrow! I cant wait to see what treasures we can find!
I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Olivia's got a place to sleep!

I had been hassling Tyler about putting Livi's bed up for weeks! One morning I said..."we are putting Livi's bed up." Then I walked into her room and he followed! I was so amazed! It was that easy. The bed took a whole ten minutes to snap together. I loved every minute of it. Mostly cause it's for Olivia but also because I love spending time with my Husband♥

Livi's Mobile

I couldn't get him to smile...

33 weeks and 2 days

Our Little Family ♥

I have also been bugging Tyler about painting Olivia's Dresser. Today I told him I was not doing any laundry until her dresser was stripped. Today when I got back from the doctor three drawers were being stripped :) I am one happy Mama!
This afternoon I went to the doctor. Everything is wonderful. Livi seems to be healthy and right on track. Next week we start weekly doctor visits and THE COUNTDOWN!!! I am starting to get really excited! and a little nervous...
I have been praying for an easy and healthy could join me if you feel so inclined :)



Sunday, February 27, 2011

I feel so crafty :)

I know Tyler is sooooo tired of our living room being "Baby Craft Central" but he is just gonna have to get used to it!!!

This week I made all kinds of things for Livi's room. And it was soooo much fun, not to mention WAY cheaper than buying the stuff off Etsy! (you're welcome tyler)

I made this mobile out of the wooden rings grandmas stitch with. I don't know how to do all that fancy stitch work, but I am pretty proud of this mobile. (ignore that it is hanging from the wont be forever)

So this project was originally a big 'O' made out of buttons. I hot glued approximately 200 buttons to a piece of fabric then threw it away and started over...I like how this one turned out better anyway.

Confession: I was going to make Livi's quilt, but I bought this one instead. The lady that made it also monogrammed her name on it. When I got it in the mail this week I just hugged it to me. Tyler thought it was cute so he hugged me and the blanket too. It made me smile :)

I made this wreath for the window in Olivia's room. The landlords blinds are kinda ugly and boring. I thought this might make it better!

I bought this frame at my favorite place...the Antique Mall :) . I also got one that matches it. Then I cut out little flowers and glued them to a canvas. The petals stick out a little giving it a shadow box effect. I probably spent $7 on this project. I will post pictures once I get this one and it's twin hung up. I am pretty excited!


I cant believe we are 7 weeks away from our due date! This week I filled out a birthing plan, and I am starting to think about what I will need to pack in my hospital bag. Its all so exciting.

This week Olivia gave me a little scare. I hadn't felt her move for almost 20 hours and that is just not normal! She is usually practicing her ninja moves 24/7 and not feeling her for a while really scared me. I jiggled her around and even drank a soda (i know, shame on me) thinking it would get her moving, but no! So, I called my doctor and she said to go to the hospital to have a stress test. I called my sister and she met me at the hospital. I think she was just as scared as I was. As soon as we got into the room and the nurse put the FREEZING cold gel on my belly, Livi kicked. Kaitlyn started crying as soon as I told her everything was OK...and then of course I was crying. Just to say it again, everything is perfectly fine. Her heart beat was continuously strong and right where it is suppose to be. I am not contracting early or anything like that. It just took me getting all worried and to the hospital for her to decide to wake up. She already acts just like her daddy. (everyone please pray that doesn't last long!!!) Thank the Lord everything is OK, and thank you to all of you who prayed for us. I feel extremely blessed! ♥

Love Always,