Monday, January 31, 2011

My First Post ♥

This blog is for Livi...
and all of my family members that live hours and hours away, and for me too I suppose, but mostly for Mom and Livi. Tyler and I are having our very first baby in April. After months of arguing we finally decided to name HER, Olivia Rochelle. I have tried different ways of recording my pregnancy...I am horrible at keeping and journal and my camera always seems to be dead, so i thought, "why not give blogging a try!?" and here we are :). I hope to use this space as a place to record belly pics, progress we are making on the nursery, and anything else Olivia Related.

Because I am not prepared with pictures or funny little stories. I will tell you all about Olivia. As we speak she is kicking me in the rib cage...the right side to be specific. I am thinking we should move somewhere that has soccer...she is a really great kicker!
Today, my '29 Weeks' email said she is the size of a butternut squash, however big that is!?! (they never use normal produce like a cucumber...which would be nice because I know what a cucumber looks like, unlike a butternut squash.) It also said she weighs about 2.5 pounds and is developing more fat everyday! I like that part...hopefully chubby cheeks are included in the fat developing process. It also said her bones are starting to harden and that I should drink more milk. That won't be a problem...I crave Lucky Charms 24/7.

Thursday we are going to get a 3D ultrasound! I am really stinkin excited! My father-in-law is sure we will discover that Olivia is really an Oliver...we will see!!! I also hope to get the baby bed put together this week If I stay on task there should be pictures to come. Maybe tonight I will make Tyler take some belly pics.
