Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Posts in One Week!!!!

I am pretty proud of myself...second post this week, both with pictures!!! Woot Woot!

On Monday my mother-in-law and I went to the Just Between Friends Consignment sale! In case you don't know what that is...It is a HUGE consignment sale that takes place in cities across the nation. The best part- its just for kids stuff. Anything you could ever need or imagine you would need can be found at one of these sales! Its so great! We got to the sale about 30 minutes early and waited in line with all the other mommies! Then when they finally opened the doors it was like searching for the Golden Egg on Easter. We rushed through to find the big things we needed then went back for the little things! It was so much fun and I saved probably $200! I cant wait to do it again in August!
I got this changing pad for $4 and two matching covers for $8.
I can't wait to put these jeans on Olivia...they are sooo stinkin' cute and only a few bucks (i think it makes them even cuter!)

The little one I got for Livi to wear on Easter. The bigger one...well i am not sure what its for yet but it was too cute (and cheap) to pass up!

Brand new exersaucer-$15...That's a total savings of $45!!! Another lady walked up and started talking about this one while I was looking at soon as she said, "its a good one" I snatched it. I am pretty sure my mother would be proud! :)
This is just some of the other stuff I came home with. A diaper bag, a new boppy pillow ($12), bottles, a nursing cover, a baby sling, a car seat neck support, a $4 bottle warmer, and a humidifier!!!

Tyler was proud of me...heck, I was pretty proud of me too!!

Today I went to the doctor. It was my first weekly appointment so that meant lots of fun....not. Everything is moving right along. I am not dilated yet, but she said my cervix is very soft so it could be soon :) She also said right now she thinks Livi is about 6 1/2 - 7 lbs. and that if she stays in full term she thinks she will be about 8 lbs. I was happy to hear this. Healthy but not huge...mommies everywhere can appreciate that! I was secretly hoping I would go to the doctor today and she would say, "O my your ready to have the baby tonight!" That would have been wonderful but I guess until then I will have to keep concentrating on not wetting myself every time I sneeze, laugh, or stand up! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Waiting on Livi ♥

These little slippers came in the mail for Olivia today! I can't wait to put them on her the day we come home from the hospital.
I have been such a bad blogger lately...and a lot has happened to
blog about! My parents came to visit last weekend. It was absolutely wonderful, and now that they are gone I miss them terribly! They came for Livi's baby shower which was also super great! I have some awesome women in my life, and I feel incredibly blessed! Olivia got some really great things and now we are closer to being as prepared as possible for her arrival .
This week was also Spring Break! That meant no school or work for me, and no school for my little sister Taylor who spent the week with me! It was great having her around and hard to let her go back home. When presented with the idea, she was totally fine with living in my basement instead of returning to school. Spring break also meant spending time with Tyler at the farm.....which I super love! We fed baby calves (with bottles!!!) and all kinds of other farm-y things! :) It was so much fun!
I am not completely sure but I think Olivia may have dropped this week. If I am not sitting down it feels like I am trying to hold a bowling ball in between my legs. My back is being a little stubborn and my belly feels like its really saggy...I know such a beautiful description...but really that's how it feels!!!! Maybe all this un-comfort means my baby girl's arrival is getting closer!! I sure hope so! I go to the doctor on Tuesday, maybe she will have some clues.
Tomorrow my mother-in-law and I are going to the Just Between Friends Consignment sale! This will be my first JBF experience but I have heard nothing but great things! I have a plan, my list, and my laundry basket all ready for our adventure tomorrow! I cant wait to see what treasures we can find!
I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Olivia's got a place to sleep!

I had been hassling Tyler about putting Livi's bed up for weeks! One morning I said..."we are putting Livi's bed up." Then I walked into her room and he followed! I was so amazed! It was that easy. The bed took a whole ten minutes to snap together. I loved every minute of it. Mostly cause it's for Olivia but also because I love spending time with my Husband♥

Livi's Mobile

I couldn't get him to smile...

33 weeks and 2 days

Our Little Family ♥

I have also been bugging Tyler about painting Olivia's Dresser. Today I told him I was not doing any laundry until her dresser was stripped. Today when I got back from the doctor three drawers were being stripped :) I am one happy Mama!
This afternoon I went to the doctor. Everything is wonderful. Livi seems to be healthy and right on track. Next week we start weekly doctor visits and THE COUNTDOWN!!! I am starting to get really excited! and a little nervous...
I have been praying for an easy and healthy could join me if you feel so inclined :)
